Not possible to enter a "_" or " " in lyrics via Ctrl key

• Apr 28, 2013 - 08:21
S4 - Minor

In 1.x is was possible to enter a "-", "_" or " " into a lyrics sylable by pressing the Ctrl key at the same time.
This doesn't work on b3e891a, Win XPpro SP3, here it behaves just like as having pressed the Shift key, i.e. the Cursor moves to the previous syllable

When 'importing' a 1.x score, these are kept though


Tested on Linux Mint 14, commit 6f9879174 (2013-04-28):

1) Ctrl + '-' DOES works: a hyphen is inserted in the lyric syllable

2) Ctrl + '_' does NOT work: this is becase the method ScoreView::editKeyLyrics() (in mscore/keyb.cpp) modifies locally the key event parameters but these changes are not propagated to the caller.

3) Ctrl + Space does NOT work: it seems that the key stroke is not even forwarded to ScoreView::editKeyLyrics() by Qt, so the method has nothing to do.

2) Seems easier to fix. About 3), I have no idea.


Title Not possible to enter a "_" or " " in lyrics via Ctrl key Not possible to enter a "-" or " " in lyrics via Ctrl key
Status (old) active fixed

I "fixed" it in b14d66e938
The space one has been instroduced with the move of "Space" and "Shift space" to the shortcut lists. Shift place has been changed by Ctrl + Space. I wonder if it wouldn't be better to move -, _ and space entry in lyrics in the shortcut list too...