Window doesn't appear when clicking Add in Synthesizer

• Jul 15, 2013 - 10:08
S4 - Minor

1. Open score.
2. 'Synthesiser'.
3. 'Add'.

Result: Window doesn't appear.

Using MuseScore 2.0 Nightly Build (6e448b0) - Mac 10.7.5.


This is another side effect of Qt5. The Add button can't get the mouse click event because of Zita one effect.
Workaround: resize the dialog.

I did this and was able to access 'Add', but when I selected the sf3, it crashed.

I opened the application again. I don't know if it was the same before, but I can't click on the loaded sf2 soundfont, or 'Add' at the moment.

Using MuseScore 2.0 Nightly Build (fad3545) - Mac 10.7.5.

The bug is still partially present when compiling with Qt 5.1.1 RC1 in Mac OS X.
In particular, after clicking "Add" the window opens, but similarly to the present situation with Qt 5.1.0, the close button (red X) is disabled.
The bug in Zita is still present with Qt 5.1.1 RC1 (i.e. moving the mouse over the synthesizer window in Zita tab makes weird things with redrawing the window).
An hopefully working Qt5.1.1 RC1 build of 5be9488e7c1 for Mac 64bits is available here:…

Status (old) active fixed

Only the Mac nightly builds use Qt 5.2 and this seems fixed.

If anyone encounters otherwise on other platforms using Qt 5.2, please re-open.

Using MuseScore 2.0 Nightly Build (f8187c9) - Mac 10.7.5.