Clef change remains after deleting bar

• Jul 22, 2013 - 16:00
S4 - Minor
by design

1. Open Score 1 (produced in 1.3).
2. Click on bar 2.
3. 'Delete Selected Measures'.

Result: The clef change remains.

Score 1.png

Note: There is a similar result if these steps are done in 1.3, saved and the score opened in 2.0 - see Score 2 (also produced in 1.3).

Using MuseScore 2.0 Nightly Build (e47d9de) - Mac 10.7.5.

Attachment Size
Score 1.mscz 1.54 KB
Score 1.png 42.1 KB
Score 2.mscz 1.5 KB


Status (old) active by design

How is that wrong? I mean imagine if the user doesn't delete all the measures but just a range, he probably wants to clef change to remain no? How is it different for the last measures? If the user adds more measures, the clef change will still be there. It makes sense to me.

I can think of two reasons to consider this a bug, one logical, be practical.

Logically: when one adds a clef change, one adds it to the measure that *follows* the clef. So I think of the clef change as being attached to that measure, not the measure where the clef change actually appears. In this case, I think of the clef change as being attached to measure 2, because that's where I placed it and that what it affects. And I think of it as appling to all measures from that point to the next clef change or the end of the piece. If I delete the measure to which the clef is conceptually attached (measure 2), and in so doing also delete everything the clef changes applies to (so I'm deleting from measure 2 to the next clef change or to the end of the piece), then that clef change has no logical reason to exist any more.

Practically: there is no musical context in which the results produced in the original report are desired as a final outcome. So if the user was *not* planning on adding more measures - why I believe is the most likely scenario - then he is forced to take an extra step to delete the clef. And even if the does add more measures, I'd still guess it's no better than a 50% chance that he'd happen to want to use the new clef as opposed to the original. So it's still a good possibility he's gong to have to delete the clef.

Bottom line: I think a clef should be deleted when the measure it is conceptually attached to is deleted *and* all measures that it applies to are also deleted.