Elements vertically movable when not in edit mode

• Aug 6, 2013 - 23:09
by design

1. Create score.
2. Click a rest.
3. Press 'Up' or 'Down'.

Result: The rest moves vertically.

Note: It also applies to other elements, such as 'downbow'.

Using MuseScore 2.0 Nightly Build (e6a2dfd) - Mac 10.7.5.



For articulations, it's explicit in the code and it looks like a feature. MuseScore 1.3 also had it.
For rests, it was not working in MuseScore 1.3. As stated here http://musescore.org/en/node/21573#comment-81188 I don't really like it for consistency sake. On another hand, it's great to be able to move rests without going out of note entry.... So not sure if this is a bug or a feature...

Status (old) active by design

Moving rests is a special convenience function to move rests in space units as this is often necessary in a multi voice context. Its consistent with moving the note head (in half space units).

I would argue though that the ability to move the rests won't be needed when the code is improved in this area.

As a result, it means other uses of up/down, such as being able to move around the score to other elements, cannot be done, perhaps? Maybe via alt, but it's still an additional step?