[KAR] Lyric under rest

• Sep 18, 2013 - 08:42
S4 - Minor
by design

1. Open this file.

Result: A lyric appears under a rest in the first bar.

Discussion: I remembered this comment about MuseScore not allowing lyrics under rests. I propose that it imports as stave text.

Using MuseScore 2.0 Nightly Build (e10f6b5) - Mac 0.7.5.


Severity S1 - Blocker
Status active needs info
Regression No
Workaround No

The file linked to above is not available (anymore, seems the entire website is gone). The downside of not attaching files here directly...

With MuseScore 3 lyrics are allowed with rests, but without a sample file we can't test whether this actually solves this KAR import issue

As I recall, even before we started the entry of lyrics on rests, we already supported them in import from formats that supported them, so if that file had a lyric on a rest, this was "by design" even in 2013.

At the time, I didn't want to attach files directly for legal reasons. However, I think it's a different scenario now (I'm assuming publishing rights to this site have been agreed for this song).

I think I found it on my system - just for future reference.

Attachment Size
Eurythmics - Love is a Stranger.kar 72.12 KB