Separating notes

• Oct 9, 2013 - 22:33
S4 - Minor

I am writing in the soprano voice for choir use. When I use eighth notes, they all tie together with a bar. How can I get rid of the bar and keep the eighth notes separate?


"Issues" are meant to deal with programming problems. You have, thus, highlighted a putative programming problem and have then gone on to assign to yourself the task of either remedying it or of overseeing said remedy. I agree that it isn't easy to know this when you are new to the forum.

Your problem is a lack of knowledge as to how to achieve a particular task. There are two common ways to achieve what you want:

1] Select all the notes that you want separate (as opposed to beamed), go to the Beam Properties palette and double-click on the single quaver symbol (help text says "No beam")

2] Create a keyboard shortcut for "No beam" and then you can use it when you want to separate one or more notes from a beamed set of notes.

Status (old) active needs info

Hi dartford 1949

It's better to use the forum for questions, as the Issue Tracker is for bug and feature reports.

Thanks! :)