MusicXml: Customised Glissando and Slide are not exported correctly
When creating a glissando or slide, it is possible to change the colour and the text.
When exporting to MusicXml, these modifications are not present.
Case 1:
Create a glissando and export to MusicXml - the text is not exported
<glissando line-type="wavy" number="1" type="start"/>
Should be -
<glissando line-type="wavy" number="1" type="start">gliss.</glissando>
Case 2:
Create a glissando, remove the text and change the colour to red.
Exports still as -
<glissando line-type="wavy" number="1" type="start"/>
Should be (using ARGB) -
<glissando line-type="wavy" number="1" type="start" color="#FF800000"/>
Note that there is no other way to know if the text is to be displayed or not by the simple presence of the text within the tag.
It would be great if you could provide MSCZ files and eventually MusicXML file to deal with this problem. Would be even better if you could provide a pull request :) since you seem to be a coder.
Not sure exactly what you are needing in the MSCZ file other than what I have outlined above.
Are you needing files demonstrating what I said ?
You are right, I am a developer, but have very little time available. I am trying to get my own business running, whilst not ignoring my wife ! ;-)
Ok, I have attached here two files to demonstrate the problem here.
Hope this helps.
Pull request #1311
Fixed in 39895c9189
Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.