
• Feb 14, 2018 - 21:55
S5 - Suggestion

In order to listen from headphones, MuseScore needs microphone to be active, else it play sound from speakers.
I recently deactivate my microphone and since then, never open MuseScore, but today, I test something and I notice that MuseScore plays sound from speakers, not from headphones, wich is kinda confusing.
I am so sorry for my very bag english, and I hope that this is a bug, not a thing that should happen.


Status (old) active needs info
Status active needs info

It sounds like you are saying you are having some sort of problem with sound that happens when you disable your microphone? In order to investigate, we would need you to say what version of MuseScore, what operating system, what microphone and headphones, and give us precise step by step instructions to reproduce the problem. Also, go to Edit / Preferences / I/O and let us know if you see your headphones listed and selected there.

Using MuseScore 2.1 on Windows 10, I don't have any problems with sound after deactivating my microphone. If I have headphones plugged in, it plays through them, and if I don't, it plays through the speakers. It could be that your microphone and headphones are connected in some way that your operating system is unable to separate?