Midi Notes to Treble AND Bass Clefs.

• Jul 8, 2018 - 15:58

(I am new here and not really a musician but my search for an answer has been fruitless so I am hoping someone here can help me.)

I am using a midi keyboard and want to create a simple score - one treble clef, one bass clef. But ALL of the notes I enter (via the midi keyboard) end up on the treble clef - many, of course, with many ledger lines. Is there some way to get notes below middle C to go into the bass clef? I have learned that there is a way to move notes from one clef to the other but that would be a pretty painful process. Unless, perhaps there is some way to move all notes below middle C to the bass clef.

Thanks for looking at this and for any guidance you can provide. Bob


Realistically, notating music in such a way - all notes above middle C on top staff, all notes below on bottom - would seldom produce readable results. Real music is more subtle than that. Anyhow, you don't say how you are trying to enter the notes - which of the various MIDI note input methods you are using. In the default step -time, you need to enter notes left to right anyhow, so there is no getting around needing to enter the staves separately. You could if you want enter them all onto a single staff then right click and choose the "Split Staff" command to move notes to a new staff, although as I said, results would likely be not very readable as they would not make much musical sense. Or if you prefer real-time input, you could play into a sequencer, save as a MIDI file, then import it into MuseScore - using this method you will get somewhat more musically-sophisticated splitting of notes between hands. But in the end, there is no getting round the inherent impossibility in the task - MIDI simply doesn't present the sort of information needed to produce readable music automatically. One way or another, you are going to have to spend effort cleaning up the results to produce readable notation. Just as you'd never dictate an entire thesis into Siri and expect not to have to do a ton of cleanup.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thank you Shoichi, Mike and Marc. Despite Marc's explanation I'd still prefer if notes below middle C went to the bass clef while notes above went to the treble clef. Multiple ledger lines are a problem for me. And in the piano sheet music I have seen most notes end up in the bass clef if they are below middle C and in the treble clef if they are above middle C. I am near certain that I once had a scoring program which took midi input and did, by default, divide up the notes that way. But in any event I appreciate your thoughts on the subject.

Thanks, Bob

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