Measures per system

• Aug 2, 2018 - 11:37
Reported version
S4 - Minor
by design

Cuando intentas variar el número de compases por sistema, no lo hace, además no está puesto en el lugar que a mi juicio le corresponde, ahora esta en Editar->herramientas->añanadir o quitar saltos por sistema, debería estar en Diseño->sistemas->compases por sistema.


Title Compases por sistema Measures per system
Severity S2 - Critical S4 - Minor
Status (old) patch (code needs review) by design
Status by design

Please keep the issue tracker in English. Google translate:
When you try to vary the number of measures per system, it does not do it, besides it is not put in the place that I think corresponds to, now it is in Edit-> tools-> add or remove jumps per system, it should be in Design-> systems-> measures per system.

There is nothing critical about this nor is there a patch that might need review, and actually that behaviour is by design. in 1.x such an option existed, it had been removed as it lead to bad layout issues.
Edit → Tools → add/remove system breaks does what it is designed for, making sure than not more than the set amount of measures are in a system, but depending on many factors (paper width, scaling factor, measure stretch, number of notes, lyrics, etc.) there may fit less measures.
So if you want more measures to fit, tweak those parameters mentioned above