8va 8vb on entire score without clutter.

• Aug 17, 2018 - 03:05

(* I found the solution: I never saw the ADVANCED panel switch which makes the octave clefs available. No wonder I have such a constraining experience with Musescore. Why not just do away with the basic and advanced panels. It creates more confusion than needed. What is basic to one person is advanced to another, so this is ambiguous. So this problem is solved. Phew I couldnt listen to the midi computer instruments any longer. At least the piano is ok and I can now debug everything with a non-distracting instrument.*)

I need to keep the note placement in the clefs but change the entire score to 8va or 8vb or even multiples.
Reason is, the only instruments that I can stand without getting nauseous is Piano and Chorale Voices. So whatever instrument I am writing for, I need to listen to piano or voice during playback else I will do myself in eventually due to midi sampling fatigue syndrome.

So how, can I select piano for any type of score or instrument I write for and the 8va or 8vb the score for a pleasant to listen to register ?

I tried to change the instruments that came default with the scores during the wizard, but they seemingly cannot be changed. E.g. I want to listen to piano on single scores in all the clefs and be able to set the 8vX for the entire score..

One solution is if the in instruments the Clef tab for an instrument would contain all the octave options. then the score can be transposed by default octaves up and down. Currently piano Treble clef has only the Standard Option.


The basic and advanced palettes are there because the items in the basic palette are used by almost all types of musical compositions, while those added in the advanced palette are used less often but mostly have a function defined by the program. An example is the 8va, which makes all notes sound an octave above what is written.

If you want to hear an instrument with a piano sound rather than the sound defined to sound like the instrument, you can change it to piano (or any other instrument you like) in the mixer (F10 to toggle it). This will make, for example, a piccolo piece sound the correct notes with a piano sound without the need for ottavas.

MuseScore give you a lot of options on how to do many things, this is also part of the reason for basic, advanced and custom palettes. All of these are explained in the manual. Taking a little time to read it will make most peoples experience with the program much more enjoyable.

For everyone who complains that the Basic palette is missing things so why can't we default to Advanced, someone else would complain Advanced is too cluttered so why can't default to something simpler :-). FWIW, in 3.0, a wizard on first startup will ask some questions allowing the program to customize itself accordingly. Meanwhile, just feel free to ask questions.

If you don't like the default sounds, you are welcome to try other soundfonts, as described in the Handbook under Soundfonts.

And yes, you can select whatever instruments you want and then change them later, but I'd personally recommend doing it the other way around. That is, select the instruments you really want - that will give you the right clef, the right range warnings, the right articulation and other playback customizations, the right export, etc - but use the Mixer is desired to set the sounds to piano (assuming you don't just find a soundfont you like better, which is easier still in the long run).

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