
• Sep 7, 2018 - 06:52

After downloading the 2.3.2 version, It won't pull up staff text properties when I right click on staff text. Did something change?


No changes in that respect that I'm aware of. And I just tested: it still works.
Sure it is staff text and not system text or some other text type?

If you still think you have staff text, then attach the score and let us know where the text is that is causing the problem so we can look into it.

In reply to by queenmarcelo

It is staff text and rightclick / Stafftext Properties works and brings up the dialog to change channels.
Same for the pizz in measure 16 (BTW you use pizz twice, but nor arco in between?)

However: seems you're using a Mac, so rightclick is something different there usually, isn't it?
Called Secondary- or Control-click or a two finger click?

Attachment Size
Flute_Concerto.mscz 16.26 KB

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