Timewise input mode

• Oct 30, 2018 - 00:43

This topic was mentioned By Marc here: https://musescore.org/en/node/277577#comment-858416. Since this is a feature request I will move my questions here.

Marc, you mention a new Timewise input mode. Is this different than the use of Shift+letter to insert a note. If so, how does it work? Is this merged into a nightly or is this still waiting? There is no issue for it, so use simple users don't have any info on it.


Shift+letter doesn't insert a note, it adds it to an exist chord, doesn't it?

Timewise delete and insert is implemented in the development builds.

Timewise mode is in the current nightlies; it's there right along with the other note input modes. It basically just makes it so all notes get inserted, without the need for Ctrl+Shift. Literally - it's just a few lines of code that treat normal note input as if you were inserting via Ctrl+Shift. So everything else works the same. I've pointed out that ideally we'd also get the ability to delete notes, and ultimately change durations. I think getting delete to work would be very simple - perhaps just another few lines of code. Getting the change duration to do what I think we all (?) might expect is probably more involved, but not out of reach.

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