Footer on first page only

• Nov 9, 2018 - 22:15

Is there a way to get a footer to print on only the first page of a score?


You can trick MuseScore into showing the header or footer on the first page only as long as you do not use the copyright for anything else. Put what you want in File->Score properties... in the Copyright field. You can the use $C to make the "Copyright" show up only on the first page. As I said, this assumes you don't use $c anywhere you don't want this information show up. Make sure you check the "Show First" box on the header or footer or it will still not show up.

In reply to by mike320

That works - Thank you. I knew about the $C feature for having the Copyright from the Score Properties dialog box show up only on the first page. But what I was interested in was putting extensive information on the first page; specifically, for a medley combining several songs, I wanted to credit the composer and lyricist for each song, which involves multiples lines of text, and too much information to put in the traditional "composer" and "lyricist" slots at the top of the page. But one cannot create line breaks in the Score Properties fields directly by typing . So what I tried was typing the information I want in a regular text editor, including the line breaks, alignment, and formatting, the copying that and pasting it into the Copyright field of the Score Properties dialog, and it worked like a charm: typing $C in the odd page footer field resulted in the information appearing just as I intended. The only glitch was that the quotation marks I had typed around the names of the songs printed as ["] rather than as ["] in the footer; but that was easy to correct by manually deleting ["] and typing ["] in the Copyright field.

What I really wanted was for all of the credits to appear in the footer on the first page and have only the copyright information for the medley itself to appear on the subsequent pages. But as you say, your approach only works if I am not using "Copyright" for anything else. I was, however, able to at least partially meet my objective in this way: 1) type $C in the odd page footer field, which results in the extensive information I had pasted in the Copyright field appearing only on the first page; 2) manually typing the copyright information for the medley itself in the even page footer field. This does not give me the copyright on every subsequent page, but at least having it on the subsequent even numbered pages is helpful.

Thank you again for pointing me in the right direction.

In reply to by Glenn Blank

All that you mention about creating a long copyright is known to people who frequent these forums. I didn't know what you actually wanted in the first page footer, that's why I put "Copyright" in quotes to indicate it is the copyright only in metatag rather than reality. The ["]'s look the same in your post, but that's not too important. I suspect you used word and half of the double quotes are upside down.

I can't think of anything you can do to force the real copyright onto every page, without also including it on the first since $c is unusable. Putting it on the first page is actually more common than putting it on all of the other pages from what I've seen, but I do understand its presence on all pages. I would put it below the credits you have on page 1.

In reply to by mike320

RE "The ["]'s look the same in your post," what I was trying to describe was that when I type ["] in the text editor and then copy and past it into to Copyright field, it appears as [& quot ; ], without the spaces. Evidently & quot ; without spaces is something text editors recognize as code for ["], and so this forum's text editor converted it back to ["]. But, like you said, it's not a big deal - I just manually changed [& quot ;] back to ["] in the Copyright field.

In reply to by Shoichi

Yes, the ["]'s appear normally in both text and vertical frames; so the text and vertical frames apparently have enough text editing capability to be able to recognize the code for ["]. But what I was after was a footnote to appear specifically at the bottom of the first page, and I could not use a frame to achieve this result since frames are tied to the staff to which they were appended or inserted, with the consequence that should I ever edit or format the score in such a way that that staff is no longer at the bottom of the page, then my "footnote" is no longer at the bottom of the page. Hence, the need to rely on the footer fields in Style/General/Header,Footer,Numbers and the Copyright field in File/ScoreProperties, neither of which recognize ["].

Just a note that another possibility to consider is using a text or vertical frame instead of the footer for this. You could manually move the text down into the margin if you like. Downside is you need to wait until you are more or less done with everything else about page layout to make sure it shows in the right place. But it's perhaps less of a hassle overall?

EDIT: never mind, I see you already considered and rejected this because of the downside :-). Still, it's not that bad, if the system layout changes, you could just copy the text, delete the frame, add a new one, and paste the text back.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

You are right, however, that it is not that bad if I wait until I am more or less done with everything else. My habit is to put in the credits down earlier in the process. But neither route is a huge hassle now that I understand how MuseScore behaves in each of those routes. An additional benefit of what you suggest is since it reserves the footnote itself for just the Copyright field, I can achieve my objective of having the basic copyright info on every subsequent page rather than just every subsequent even-numbered page.

Thank you, everyone, for your generous time in helping me brainstorm routes to my objective!

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