Cannot change time signature between cut time, common time, and 4/4

• Jul 17, 2014 - 17:50
S4 - Minor

Ubuntu Studio 14.04, GIT commit: e87ef84

1) new score, 4/4
2) drag cut time symbol from palette to first measure

Result: no change to time signature. Same result if you try with the common time symbol. Same result if you start with cut time and try to change to common or 4/4, etc.

I guess because they all reduce mathematically to the same thing, it registers as no change. I have a recollection of a similar bug being filed before, but I can't find it.


Status (old) fixed active

It's "mostly" fixed. It still fails with 1.3 scores when using drag & drop rather than double click to change the time signature - but then it magically starts working after two minutes. Not coincidentally, that's when auto-save kicks in and Score::mscVersion() starts reporting the version as 2.0 rather than 1.3. lasconic & I had great fun tracking that down!

Status (old) active fixed

Fixed in b8f6725873

It seems that mscVersion is used during read and during the first layout. After the first layout, it's not useful anymore so we can override it. Drag and drop will then use read() too and it has to be with mscVersion being the current version or we have weird bugs. Here for example, the time signature is written on drag to the 2.0 format and would be read in 1.3 format and so it would have a bad timesigtype.

Status (old) closed active

Well, the change to cut-time can now be seen in measure properties directly after the change, but it does not survive a save, close, (re-)open, it is back to 4/4 again rather than 2/2 (but still with the cut time sign)

If that's a bug, though, it's a different one. The original bug was that you couldn't do the change at all. Now, I guess you can do the change, but it doesn't register properly in Meausre Properties?

BTW, I say "if it's a bug" because at one time at least, it was common (no pun intended) for time signatures to display in Measure Properties in some sort of canonical / reduced form. i don't think it is *supposed* to do that any more - but for all I know, that's still not supposed to be guaranteed. If it is, then this is indeed a bug, but as I said, a different (and relatively minor) one.