Reduce the space between staves or system
Dear Sirs, I need to reduce the space between the staves or systems of a music written in musescore, how to do this, I have made changes in General Style, Page but there is no change in the score I am very grateful for the orientation
Roberto Dal Medico
If the only thing you want is less space then changing staff space and MIN system space is the way to go. If you don't mind everything being smaller you can decrease spacing in Layout->Page settings...
In reply to If the only thing you want… by mike320
I do not want everything smaller, so EXACTLY HOW do you do that first option. People talk about all these things you should do, but I never know where to find them. I need Menu > Option > Suboption Thank you
In reply to I do not want everything… by Colleen R Kitchen
The answer depends in your score. If you attach it here and describe in more detail what you are trying to do, we can advise better as to the most appropriate setting(a) for your specific case.
There are different settings for staff distance (distance between instruments within a system) and grand staff distance (distance between staves within instruments). For distance between systems, there is both a "min" and a "max", MuseScore will automatically stretch things out up to the max, so if you want them closer, you generally need to reduce that. if the goal is is to get more systems per page, you need to reduce min.
If you still need help, please attach your score and describe what you ant to do in more detail so we can understand and assist better.
In reply to There are different settings… by Marc Sabatella
I've just loaded my score from a previous session and there's a big gap between trombone 2 and Tuba for no apparent reason -I can't find a setting that seems accidentally changed. What might be causing this please? The grey arrow that shows as part of breaks and spacers does nothing.
In reply to I've just loaded my score… by Garethpr
No way to help you from just a picture, we'd need the actual score
Edit: actually it is possible this time: there's a spacer, delete it.
In reply to No way to help you from just… by Jojo-Schmitz
I suspect the spacer was a failed attempt to fit it. The actual problem is more likely the rest in the first measure that appears to have been manually dragged from the tuba staff up to the trombone staff, and MuseScore is simply trying to make room for it. Select it and reset with Ctrl+R.
But indeed, normally, seeing the actual score is way better than just a picture.
In reply to I suspect the spacer was a… by Marc Sabatella
Ah, yes, that rest. Now (on my PC rather than my mobile) I see that too ;-)
Try as I might, I can't get two systems to fit on page 3! I've tried reducing the min/max stave / great stave to no avail. Can anyone help please? I DON'T wish to reduce the page settings as this is too comprehensive. I just wish to have less space between staves.
In reply to Try as I might, I can't get… by Ali Wood
I found that the settings in Format > Page Settings... > Odd Margins were at 15mm (top & bottom), while the Even Margins were set at 13 mm (top & bottom).
With the Odd Margins reduced to 13mm (top & bottom), you get your two staves on page 3.
In reply to Try as I might, I can't get… by Ali Wood
Format > Page Settings
Make the top margin for the odd pages also 13mm to match up with the even pages and it already fits.
Side tip: Consider going into staff/part properties for each staff and uncheck "show time signatures" for them. That way you don't have to mark all of those time signatures invisible, nor can you forget the courtesy time signatures as a consequence.
In reply to Format > Page Settings Make… by jeetee
Thanks all
Hello, I'm also trying to decrease the spaces in between the staves using musescore 4 (highlighted in red in the screenshot). I tried disabling the vertical justification of staves and played around it, and also checked in the page settings, but couldn't get what I want, which is to cramped up so it can fit on a misalet. Appreciate all the help.
In reply to Hello, I'm also trying to… by RobsQue
For example: 1Glory Test.mscz
(by reducing the "Max. system distance", in the same dialog for enable/disable Vertical justification of staves)
Or, with even closer staves, by enabling the vertical justification of staves by combining the reduction of Min. and Max. system distance. 2Glory Test.mscz
Do you have a preference?
In reply to For example: [inline:1Glory… by cadiz1
the first one works just fine. I didn't thought that you need to decrease the other one to decrease the other one. :) Thank you for the help!
In reply to Hello, I'm also trying to… by RobsQue
For the record vertical justification of staves has nothing to do with distance between systems. It's only function is to spread the individual staves out within systems. And thus, it only applies to systems with multiple staves. And it never changes how much music can fit on a page - it only spread things out to fill the page better after MuseScore decides how much can fit. Ubnnless you should have a very unusual special reaosn to want irregular bottom margins, you should never disable vertical justification of staves.
In your case, the simplest solution here is just to change your page size to what you actually want - no need to fiddle with any of those other settings. Armed with the correct page and staff size, MuseScore should automatically space things appropriately.