Selecting tempo from palettes problem

• Mar 3, 2019 - 13:31

When I select a measure and then double-click some tempo in the Tempo palett, if the measure is empty then correctly one tempo string is inserted. If the measure is not empty then 3-4-5 tempo strings are inserted.


In reply to by Adalbi Atskanov

It's actually quite useful to be able to apply multiple tempo texts or other palette elements at once - definitely an incredibly important feature. Eg, adding staccato to a whole bunch of notes at one, or adding dynamics to a vertical select of one note each on multiple staves. This is documented in multiple places, but if there are places where you feel additional mention would be useful, it's all open source, feel free to make the change.

FYI, tempo is basically just another text with a different option than say Staff text that can be used to change mixer channels. Any text you apply is applied to all selected notes, not measures. This is actually used in the the tempo change plugin in version 2.

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