Irregular spacing of eighths in voice 2 if voice 1 has only a full measure rest

• Aug 3, 2014 - 18:47
S4 - Minor

Ubuntu Studio 14.04, GIT commit: 7c38aaa

1) new score, 4/4
2) measure 1, note entry
3) voice 2, "4 F F F F"

Result: first F has too much space after it

This also happens if voice 1 has an actual whole rest instead of a full measure rest. It also happens in 3/4 time if voice 1 has either a full measure or a dotted half rest.

I guess maybe space is being allocated for the rest, but it's not necessary. I will look into this and fix if I can.


BTW, I just realized that for cases where, for example, voice 1 has a dotted half rest and this causes too much space to be allocated for the note on the same tick in another voice, the "Local relayout" feature will often provide a simple workaround. It's not really even a bug that rests affect layout in other voices; it's just sometimes not desired.