tx2s3 fails to download http://utils.musescore.org.s3.amazonaws.com/qt5120.zip

• Jul 3, 2019 - 12:43
Reported version
P1 - High
S3 - Major

My language is Nederlands. Why is the filemenue in English.
I use Musescore device c893c61


I'm guessing this happened after you've updated the translations?

If so, you've come across a bug with the build system the translators have just noticed today as well. Here follows a bit of technobabble so the devs can continue figuring this one out.

To reproduce:
1. Start with stock 3.2.2
2. Change language to 'Nederlands', verify File & Help menus are translated
3. Edit>Preferences>Update Translations and update 'Nederlands'
4. Switch language twice (f.e. to English, apply, then back to Nederlands and apply)

File & Help menu now contain untranslated strings.

Investigated so far, keys in the qm file downloaded as update are wrong, therefor no longer matching the MuseScore sources and not ending up replacing the correct values:

  1. All strings are translated on Transifex
  2. Open up the stock mscore_nl.qm from within program files with Qt Linguist
  3. Find "About MusicXML" and see that the English source text contains the ellipsis character '…'
  4. Now open up the downloaded mscore_nl.qm from the user folder
  5. Find "About MusicXML" and notice the English source text now ends on a question mark instead of the ellipsis.

  6. Open up both files with a hex editor; search for MusicXML to locate this specific string; notice that there is a 3 vs 1 byte difference in the source strings between both qm files.

Frequency Once Few
Severity S5 - Suggestion S3 - Major
Status needs info active
Priority P1 - High

And funny enough we had just detected thie issue and were discussing it in the MuseScore translators' chat on telegram, so your issue came at the right time ;-)

Title Update Translations looses correct keys in qm-file Update Translations looses correct keys in qm-file for strings containing an ellipsis character '…'
Title Update Translations looses correct keys in qm-file for strings containing an ellipsis character '…' Update Translations looses correct keys in qm-file for strings containing non-ASCII characters

Not just ellipsis but strings containing sharps and flats are affected too, so probabla all UTF8 ones (that are not also in ASCII)

Title Update Translations looses correct keys in qm-file for strings containing non-ASCII characters tx2s3 fails to download http://utils.musescore.org.s3.amazonaws.com/qt5120.zip

resulting in using a very old lrelease version (4.8.7)

Root cause found:
https://api.travis-ci.org/v3/job/553789765/log.txt (one of the recent logs) shows:
End-of-central-directory signature not found. Either this file is not
a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive. In the
latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on
the last disk(s) of this archive.
unzip: cannot find zipfile directory in one of qt5.zip or
qt5.zip.zip, and cannot find qt5.zip.ZIP, period.
lrelease version 4.8.7

So we're using a stoneagy Qt 4.8.7 lreleases rather than the one from Qt 5.12.0, which is doomed to fail here.

Quedstion is why the download fails

the dowload happens in install.sh:

wget -q -O qt5.zip http://utils.musescore.org.s3.amazonaws.com/qt5120.zip

Not sure, but on another occasion I've seen a switch from http to https, maybe this is the cause?
Or qt5120.zip simply doesn't exist anymore.
Then again it might be about time to update to 5.12.4 anyway?

Also a warning about python 2.7 being outdated:

DEPRECATION: Python 2.7 will reach the end of its life on January 1st, 2020. Please upgrade your Python as Python 2.7 won't be maintained after that date. A future version of pip will drop support for Python 2.7.

So that would need to get sorted too.

Fix version