How do you get rid of the rests?

• Sep 1, 2019 - 15:35

There's an automatic placement of rests in every single measure, and I don't know how to get rid of them. It's making it extremely hard to make what I want to make. Plus, I try adding in other notes, and it just makes even more rests. How do you get rid of the rests? I don't have a mac computer, I have a windows computer.


It sounds like you are not entering the notes into voice 1. In every staff start in voice one, it doesn't matter what the instrument is called or what type of instrument it has. This should get rid of the rests in every measure you're talking about.

MuseScore works on the assumption that you want the correct number of beats in each measure, so in 4/4 time, every measure has 4 beats unless you do something to change that. As you enter a note, the whole rest that is there at the start, turns into rests so the duration of the note you entered + the duration of rests is still 4 beats. The number of beats is always correct for the time signature. If this is a problem, explain what you are trying to do and someone can help you.

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