Deleting a key signature does not delete it from all staves of score

• Aug 16, 2014 - 20:08
S4 - Minor

Ubuntu Studio, 14.04, GIT commit: 2bb5183

1) new score for two instruments, C major
2) drag D major key signature to measure 4 for top staff (it appears on both, as it should)
3) click the key signature you jsut added, on top staff
4) delete

Result: key signature is deleted from top staff only

*Change* of key signature works as expected (eg, click, double click one in palette, or drag and drop); I think only delete fails.


I seemed to me a violation of the WYSIWYG principle to delete more than selected.
So i choosed a different solution by changing the selection behaviour. Selecting a keysig now selects all keysigs at the same tick position. With Ctrl+Click a single keysig can be selected (similar to creating keysigs). Del as usual removes all selected elements.

This solution seems fine to me. But maybe we should then consider doing the same for time signatures? These currently remain an exception to the rule that we only delete what is selected. Maybe clicking a time signature should also select all time signature at that tick?