Style sticking to last document's style?

• Mar 6, 2020 - 14:32
Reported version
P1 - High
Graphical (UI)
S4 - Minor

Don't know if this is considered as a bug for GUI, but I guess it is a very minor issue to be aware of.

Follow the step to see for yourself:
1. Create a new document with a Title. Notice the default font used for Title - "FreeSerif".
2. Right click on document and select "Style..." on the context menu
3. On the left categories, select "Text Styles". See that if "Title" is highlighted on the middle column
4. On the right column "Edit Text Styles", try to change the font. Let's say "Arial"
5. Click OK and close the Style window.
6. Close the document. (Ctrl+F4)
7. Create another new document with a Title. Notice the default font used for Title - "FreeSerif".
8. Right click on document and select "Style..." on the context menu
9. On the left categories, select "Text Styles". See that if "Title" is highlighted on the middle column
10. On the right column "Edit Text Styles", notice the font stays at the previous document's setting - "Arial" (Bug?)
11. Let's say I am happy with Arial. I leave that font selection untouched, staying as "Arial"
12. Click OK and close the Style window.
13. Notice the font of the Title is not changed. (Bug?)
14. Right click on document and select "Style..." on the context menu again
15. On the left categories, select "Text Styles". See that if "Title" is highlighted on the middle column.
16. On the right column "Edit Text Styles", notice the font stays at the previous document's setting - "Arial"
17. I have to change to another font and then back to Arial in order to really change the font to Arial.


I've reproduced this on my end. It's definitely a bug. I might even go as far as to classify it as a major bug, but I'll leave that for someone else to decide.

Note that if you save the file after step 12, the file is correctly saved (i.e., without the Arial setting). Saving the file, restarting MuseScore, and then opening the file makes the Arial setting go away.

Frequency Once Few
Status active duplicate
Workaround No Yes

Yep, this is a duplicate. Workaround is to switch to another text style (e.g., Subtitle) and then back.