can not change clef

• Apr 25, 2020 - 23:44
Reported version
P2 - Medium
S4 - Minor

Hi, dear madam or sir,

I am very happy with your software, but today I encountered a few problems. See the attached files,
1) The measures No. 13 and No.14 are too wide, I adjusted the stretch factor to even 0.1 but have not got any effect;
2) The upper clef sign at beginning of measure No.15 can not change to treble, and the small clef sign and the end of measure No.14 follows to the action if I tried to change leading clef to treble, but not follows to the action if I tried to change the leading clef to bass.

Thank you very much for your attention.

Yuan Ning Sun at Montreal, Canada

Attachment Size
Toccata.mscz 39.9 KB
.Toccata.mscz, 39.85 KB


Title measures can not change stretch & can not change clef can not change clef
Priority P2 - Medium

Regarding 1) There simply isn't enough room for those too measures on a single system given your current settings. You would need to reduce the minimum note distance in Format / Style / Measure, or change other settings, in order for it to fit.

Regarding 2), there does seem to be a problem. I can delete the bass clef in bar 15 but it takes two tries. I'm guessing the clef was added as a mid-measure change then it somehow turned into to a regular change, but something went wrong. We've definitely seen issues like that before. If you can remember anything about how it got that way, let us know.

Let me try to explain what is happening.

Header clefs (that is, clefs at the beginning of a system) are usually generated based on whatever the current clef is for that staff. When the clef changes from one system to the next, MuseScore will add a non-generated "courtesy" clef that represents the actual clef change, and then the new header clef will be generated based on that. Generated clefs are added, modified, and removed as necessary. They are not written to file when a score is saved.

The header clef on the top staff of measure 15 has lost its generated status. This means that you must have changed one or more of its properties at some point, and therefore MuseScore knows that you want to have control over its appearance. Non-generated clefs do not follow the same rules as generated ones. They always represent an actual clef change, and are never affected by the addition, modification, or removal of other clefs.

If you delete a non-generated clef at a place where a clef is required, a new generated clef will take its place. You can delete a courtesy clef by issuing the "delete" command on the corresponding header clef, but only if the header clef is "generated".

Status active fixed

The clef bug - i.e. number 2) in the original post list - was solved in commit 86ddf86e0097a1d

Regarding 1), as Marc said, the situation can be solved by reducing "Minimum note distance" (e.g. to 0.21) in Format / Style / Measure; or, as mattmcclinch said, by reducing the staff space.

Fix version