cross-staff beaming affects positioning of multiple voices on same staff
On the lower staff of a grand staff, create two voices, one in eighth-notes and one in half-notes, where the first eighth-note shares the same pitch as a half-note. The open head of the half-note is automatically positioned to the right of the filled head of the eighth-note.
Move one or more notes beamed together with the shared-pitch eighth-note onto the upper staff using shift-ctrl-uparrow.
Step 2 repositions the head of the half-note so that it coincides with the head of the eighth-note, in effect turning the half-note (visually) into a quarter.
I was unable to get the latest nightly to run, so I couldn't check to see whether this still occurs, but since I'm filing this bug at mike320's request, I sort of assume it does.
Attachment | Size |
cross-staff beaming.mscz | 4.57 KB |
Workarounds include making the notehead for the 8th note invisible for shared noteheads or moving the 1/2 note away from the 8th note.
Relates to #285233: [EPIC] Cross-staff notation issues
This is essentially the same issue as #114141: Notes collide between cross-staff or #309707: In cross staff notation, voice 2 overlaps voice1 or #310263: Auto-layout broken on cross-staff notation or #310370: Cross-staffed notes may collide with rests, but I'll leave it open just to make sure we check all relevant use cases in implementing and testing any eventual solution. For now, we just accept there is no collision avoidance between cross-staff notes and the notes native to the staff they have been moved to, and adjust manually instead.
This is an exact duplicate of #309707: In cross staff notation, voice 2 overlaps voice1. The other ones you mention have the collisions between notes that start on different staves.