Ctrl + Shift + Drag element duplication behavior described in handbook doesn't work

• Dec 19, 2020 - 15:30


In the "Copy and Paste" portion of the handbook (https://musescore.org/en/handbook/copy-and-paste), it says you can duplicate any element by holding down ctrl and shift (I'm using windows) and dragging it with the mouse. Nothing happens, it only initiates a box-select. This should be fixed, or it should be removed from the handbook.


It works, eg with the text line, see below:

What kind of "any element" are you talking about ? What are you trying to do exactly?


The process for copying is a bit picky. You need to press ctrl+shift, then click and drag the item, then release the mouse, then release the buttons. The releases are probably a bit more forgiving but you must have the buttons pressed before you click. If you do this it will always work. Once you're used to it, it become natural.

In reply to by mike320

Also be aware that if you are dragging something attached to a note head, like a dynamic say, you have to find the correct "landing point" - i.e a note head rather than just dragging horizontally from the starting position.

In my experience mousework is rarely the best way to do things in MuseScore.

In reply to by SteveBlower

>> Steve Blower wrote >> In my experience mousework is rarely the best way to do things in MuseScore.

As mentioned, on the Mac, I can command-drag to copy various objects like a Barre and to another measure. But oddly I can’t selecty the Barre, copy, then select a note, rest or measure and paste.

One of the frustrating things about MuseScore is a lack of consistency on what can be copy-dragged, cut and pasted, or manipulated/repositioned with arrow keys.

For instance I can't copy-drag or copy-paste a volta.

In reply to by scorster

You can indeed drag-copy a volta, using the same technique discussed here - using Ctrl+Shift or macOS equivalent. I'm not actually aware of anything that cannot be. I was surprised to see even things like generated clefs and barlines can.

As for what can be copied via the more ordinary copy/paste, anything attached to a single note can. Generally, lines cannot since they don't attach to single notes in the first place. A few lines like hairpins and slurs do have explicit code to make an attempt, but it's just gong to be guesswork as to what range to apply it to in the destination.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

You can indeed drag-copy a volta, using the same technique discussed here - using Ctrl+Shift or macOS equivalent.

I now see Volta successfully copy-dragged in a new document; MacOS MuseScore 3.5.2

But I have a score where I can't Command-Shift-drag a volta. Will try to remember to send.

In reply to by scorster

One possibility if you used Ctrl (Cmd?) to add the volta to a staff other than the top staff, and one the copy, it goes to the top staff as usual instead of the staff you drop to. Even this works for me - that is, it does go to the staff I drop to - but I could imagine that being a macOS-specific issue, something about special handling of Cmd vs Ctrl and how the same key used in the drag also gets used to specify non-standard placement.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

>> Marc Sabatella wrote>>
I'm not actually aware of anything that cannot be[copy dragged]. I was surprised to see even things like generated clefs and barlines can.

Maybe it's a platform thing.

With Command-Shift-drag on MacOS in a new score I can't copy-drag:

Italian navigation text
Staff text
Expression text
Down bow / Up Bow

Chord symbols
Chord diagrams
String number
LH Guitar Fingerings
Arpeggios / Glissando

Is it possible to copy-drag all of these objects on windows?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

>> Marc Sabella asked >> Are you carefully releasing only when you reach a target that normally works for drag&drop?

Yes. I'm holding modifier keys until mouseUp. However where copy-drag does not work I'm not even seeing the standard "copy-drag initiated" cursor, the Green + sign: MacOS Copy-drag cursor.png

In contrast to your comment—in cases where I can successfully copy drag with Command-Shift—I can release the modifier keys immediately after initiating the drag and:

    a) and the cursor remains
    b) on mouseUp MuseScore correctly deposits the copy

Could all this really be platform issues?


Attachment Size
MacOS Copy-drag cursor.png 4.96 KB

In reply to by scorster

So wait, are you saying palette customization doesn't work for you either? That uses the exact same mechanism and thus the exact same mouse cursor etc, and I know other Mac users are doing that successfully.

So my guess is there is some simple misunderstanding here, but not being able to look over your shoulder to see the physical activity, I can't really guess what.

In reply to by scorster

BTW, though - note this particular feature was never meant to be something people actually needed to use on a regular basis (most people would never use it even once). So whatever it is you are doing that you are resorting to this for probably can be done much more efficiently another way. Deel free to describe your use case and we can probably save you much more time and frustration - even if it didn't work for these elements types (it does, for all the ones I just tested), that shouldn't normally get in your way at all.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

>> Marc Sabatella wrote >> BTW, though - note this particular feature was never meant to be something people actually needed to use on a regular basis

I'm just looking for support of platform UI and consistency in implementation.

>> Marc Sabatella wrote >> (most people would never use it even once).

I wouldn't hazard a such a conjecture about other peoples' practices or needs. Partly because—with respect to copy-drag vs. copy/paste—it's likely that situations arise where one is more convenient practical than the other, even if that choice differs from one's preferred workflow. For instance, I generally prefer keystrokes over mousing around, but here I am wanting a more full fledged implementation of copy-drag.

>> Marc Sabatella wrote >>So whatever it is you are doing that you are resorting to this for probably can be done much more efficiently another way. Feel free to describe your use case and we can probably save you much more time and frustration - even if it didn't work for these elements types (it does, for all the ones I just tested), that shouldn't normally get in your way at all.

Thanks. I'll keep that in mind.

Sounds like you're saying copy-drag works fine on Windows for a host of objects, including all the ones you tested from my list.

I think the larger point is twofold:

1) Mac users should have the same options as Windows users
2) Regarding the list of MacOS copy-drag fails, someone else should test the list on the MAC. Anyone in MuseScore development community work on a Mac?


In reply to by scorster

I was responding to your comment "One of the frustrating things about MuseScore is a lack of consistency on what can be copy-dragged". Copy by drag is relatively new feature and was never really supported to begin with even when first implemented. It was kind of accident that is became possible when we implemented and the refined palette customization, and at some point later someone decided it was worth documenting I guess. But overall, the interface is designed to be more efficiently used by almost any other method. And I can't think of many real-world situations in which this ends up being a significant win.

So if you are finding lack of this frustrating somehow, I can only guess you are somehow missing the simpler way to accomplish whatever it is you are trying to do,. Which is why I am volunteering to help you discover how to use MuseScore more efficiently.

In reply to by mike320

>> mike320 wrote >>
The process for copying is a bit picky. You need to press ctrl+shift, then click and drag the item, then release the mouse, then release the buttons.
Here on the Mac Command-Shift-drag suffices on mouseUp. However the recommended extra click-drag doesn’t work if the Command key is still down because in MacOS Command-click toggles objects in and out of selection. (Agree on "picky.")

Thus Command drag for horizontal constraint is problematic—can’t remember if I posted on that snarl, if I just started a post draft, or if it's just vivid in my memory because the Command conundrum constantly jumps in my way. Hmmm. Maybe I did post: I remember a comment about cross-platform keystroke consistency "explaining" why MuseScore fails to use the standard Option-drag for MacOS copy-drag.


Hey guys, thanks so much for the quick replies. I actually just tried it again, and I realized I needed to drag nearer to the selection point (I'm trying to copy a line). Thanks again!

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