What's going on with Leland?

• Jan 26, 2021 - 03:57

I'm not sure I follow, but why doesn't Leland import all of the glyphs it is missing from Bravura, or some other similarly licensed and more fully featured font? Would it not make sense to include what's missing for now, until a more fully unified font is created? That way folks who are encouraged to use it outside of MuseScore might be able to benefit from it as well.

Or am I missing something?


Not really sure what you mean, MuseScore should already be falling back to Bravura for any symbols it doesn't include, just as Emmentaler and all other music fonts provided with MuseScore do. And other programs should behave similarly. There should be no advantage to actually duplicating the characters.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Well, the SMuFL version of the font is almost completely empty. If I were to take it over to a SMuFL compatible program I would be missing a lot of symbols. If a SMuFL version is going to be released, why not include the rest of the glyphs that are missing? I understand if that's work that MuseScore doesn't want to do, because they want to attract people to their notation platform.

In reply to by joshdnichols

There is no non-SMuFL version of Leland.
And MuseScore has a fallback method implemented, in this case to Bravura

Just copying accross the glyphs from another font, just to make it complete should not happen, and completly implementing all SMuFL glyphs will take much more time (Leland will improve there surely, over time)

Emmentaler, Gonville, MuseJazz and even Petaluma (regardless being from the same people as Bravura) are not complete either.
I'm not even sure whether Bravura is 100% completly covering every single SMuFL glyph? It for sure is the most complete SMuFL font out their though

In reply to by joshdnichols

To be clear: if the program you are using is SMuFL compliant and is designed to work with fonts other than Bravura, it should not show anything as missing at all when you tell it to use Leland. Just like MuseScore, it should fallback to Bravura (or whatever other more complete font they have designated as their fallback) just like MuseScore does. You should be unaware of any difference whatsoever between how things behaves and look whether Leland is missing characters and thus falls back to Bravura, or whether it simply contains copies of those same symbols from Bravura. If the program you are using does not provide such a fallback, that seems like an issue to take up with the makers of that program.

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