Musescore 3.6 crashes for specific piece

• Jan 29, 2021 - 18:28

On the day of the update, I encountered some problems getting the application to run. Upon further investigation, I found out that Musescore would correctly work for all of my projects but one (the one I had spent the most time on, of course). I don't know what about this piece caused the crash, but the only suspect seems to be repeat signs, because looking at the forums tells me that repeat signs are giving everyone issues right now. Can my score be recovered, or do I have to re-write it without the repeat sign?

Attachment Size
Big City Swing.mscz 24.05 KB


"On the day of the update"
Which update ? 3.6, or 3.6.1 (released two days ago) ?
(in first glance, your score works well at the opening and playback with 3.6.1)

Your score has the "right" combination of reopeats and continuous view that causes 3.6.0 to crash, but 3.6.1 is fine. So simply update (you may need to download it from this site, I don't know if the automatic updates are turned on for it yet).

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