Noteheads become offset on grandstaff if magnified 200%?

• Mar 15, 2022 - 01:00

Create a default grand staff score.
Add half note C5 to top staff, treble clef.
Add half note C3 to bottom staff, bass clef (important that the stems of the tw notes be opposite directions).
The note head centers appear vertically aligned.

Exit note entry mode, right click on the top line of the bass clef > staff/part properties > scale to 200%.
Repeat for treble clef.

The note heads are clearly offset from each other. If the bass note is raised to C4 so it is stem down, the note heads line up.

OS: Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit):, revision: 3224f34

Is this expected? Anyway to re-align the heads when magnified?


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Good morning: Thank you for the swift reply. That "almost" worked- it solved that problem precisely (good), but it appears to have put a huge amount of space between the title block and the first grand staff system. I almost fixed it with Format > Style > pages but can't figure out the right combination of distance settings to make the staffs compact again so my header and footer are visible and the staffs fit on one page as they did when I had just magnified them.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I may have gotten there with "almost"- but I probably horribly abused the spacing system to do so.

for "almost" I set: format> style> page
min system distance: 4.9sp
page settings > staff space = 3.5mm to make the notes big instead of the "mag".
and for:
title vertical frame: disable "enable auto size", and set height = 5sp, bottom gap = 3

It still seems like there is a bit more separation in between the sets of staffs in "offset heads" than "almost" ie, visually the bracketed staffs group a little nicer as pairs in "offsetheads". But honestly this is pretty close at this point. Any thoughts welcome.

Attachment Size
offsetheads.mscx 13.97 KB
almost.mscx 14.15 KB

In reply to by happypennygam

Normally, if you scale a score, everything would be expected to scale with it. You're kind of going out of your way to create a more cramped look, which I don't really recommend as I don't think it will make it easier for beginners. I think you'd be better off not making the staff quite so large, so the spacing seems more natural.

But anyhow, you're right there is less space between systems in the "almost" version. That's because the "music bottom margin" scale in that version, so MuseScore is trying to maintain that much space below the last system. Cut that value in half (in Format / Style / Page Settings) and now it matches better.

And back to the original issue - it's "expected" that things don't align well when scaling stabes, because it's a bug we already know about :-). It should have worked. But still, it isn't the right way to go about this - staff scaling is meant only for creating unequal staff sizes. To scale all staves together, the staff space setting is the way to go.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Good afternoon:

Thank you Marc and pleased to meet you as a composer and contributor to the forums - that was the final tip I needed regarding margins. However, I also shrunk the size of things a bit more. I think we got there both ways.

Also, thanks to both of you for being so responsive.

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