Multiple bugs with the property "Numbers only" (ottava)

• Oct 12, 2014 - 07:53
S4 - Minor
  • Open the Inspector.

  • Select an ottava line.

  • Look at the checkbox "Numbers only" in the Inspector.

Result: the checkbox is grayed out, but we can still change its value. Bug 1?

  • Check the checkbox.

  • Deselect the ottava line.

  • Select it again.

Result: the checkbox "Numbers only" is unchecked (but not grayed out). Bug 2?

  • Click on the "reset value" button.

Result: the checkbox "Numbers only" is checked and grayed out again. Bug 3?

  • Deselect the ottava line.

  • Select it again.

Result: the checkbox "Numbers only" is unchecked and grayed out. Probably bugs 1 and 2.

Config: MuseScore daf97e1 on Xubuntu 14.10.


First, see my comments in #36451: Ottava: properties "Line style" and "Line width" grayed out. It appears at least some of this behavior is "by design", although there is room for debate over whether it's a good design. i like the idea behind it, but the implementation does appear confusing, as greying out seems an odd way to indicate what I think it is trying to indicate (property is at its style-determined default value).

However, above and beyond that, it does seems there is a bug in this control specifically where it does not always show the proper value. In particular, if we accept for now that your bug 1 - greyed out but still active checkbox - is actually the expected behavior, I still expect to see the checkbox enabled if I check it, deselect, and reselect. So bug 2 seems legitimate in any case. For that matter, the box should have been selected in the first place even while the control was still greyed out, since "Numbers Only" is the style setting in your score.(and indeed, that's the setting in the default style). So the real bug in #1 is that the box shows as unchecked, not that is shows as greyed out. Which is to say, it's really bug 2 - the value not being initialized properly.

Bug 3 then ends up being expected behavior. Bug 4 is then bug 2 again.

I should be able to fix bug 2 (which will also fix the part of #1 that is actually a bug), but I don't think I'll touch the basic greying behavior. Seems like a design decision Werner will probably want to be in on.