I think that only one term should be used everywhere. For example, when we select a hairpin, the Inspector displays "Line width". When we go to "Style > General... > Hairpins", we see "Line thickness".
I'll have a look at it and probably add it to an open PR of mine
Mosdt of the above wordings seem correct though.
It is mainly the various "Line width" that should be "Line thickness"
Also "System bracket width:" and "Brace width:"
Another one. Press "I" to add an instrument. You'll see in the drop-down list that all values have only one uppercase letter (the first letter), for example "Common instruments", except "Early Music" that has two uppercase letters.
Also, to the right, there are columns named "Visib." and "Link.". Is "Link." for "Linked"? If so, no need to shorten it. It makes a difference of only one letter. Same for "Visib.". If it's for "Visible", no need to shorten. Maybe it's for "Visibility".
Currently, the word "thickness" is used in these strings:
The word "width" is used in these ones:
I'll have a look at it and probably add it to an open PR of mine
Mosdt of the above wordings seem correct though.
It is mainly the various "Line width" that should be "Line thickness"
Also "System bracket width:" and "Brace width:"
Note that there's also the following inconsistency:
In "Style > General... > Hairpins, Volta, Ottava > Hairpins", we have "Line break height", and in the Inspector, we have "Continue height".
OK, I'll make it "Continue height" in Style Dialog.
Anything else?
Added to PR #1362
In "Style > General... > Hairpins, Volta, Ottava > Ottava", the label "numbers only" should start with an uppercase letter.
Well spotted, I've added it
Also, all values in the Inspector start with an uppercase, except for these few cases:
Add a slur or a tie. In the Inspector, the values of the property "Line type" ("Line style") should start with an uppercase.
Hairpins (values of the property "Type" in the Inspector).
Trill lines (values of the property "Type" in the Inspector).
Ottava lines (values of the property "Placement" in the Inspector).
Barlines (values of the property "Style" in the Inspector).
Notes (values of the property "Head group" in the Inspector).
Another one: in the Pianoroll Editor, values of the property "Velocity" don't start with an uppercase letter.
Another one. Press "I" to add an instrument. You'll see in the drop-down list that all values have only one uppercase letter (the first letter), for example "Common instruments", except "Early Music" that has two uppercase letters.
Also, to the right, there are columns named "Visib." and "Link.". Is "Link." for "Linked"? If so, no need to shorten it. It makes a difference of only one letter. Same for "Visib.". If it's for "Visible", no need to shorten. Maybe it's for "Visibility".
I'll add the stuff from #10, the ones from #8 is already in the PR, partly covered by the for for #36291: Different wording for slur and lines "line style", the rest and for #9 should be in too.
I just made a separate PR for this, see PR 1383
Fixed in a4cf7d9e82
Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.