Window and Cursor behaviour in 4.4

• Sep 5, 2024 - 16:36

On operating MS 4.4.1 for the first time I am getting some crazy behaviour with my screen - the system is unoperable because half the buttons are missing in full screen mode and in order to effect a button I have to click a centimetre above it. The only way of exiting was to CTRL ALT DEL.
Ideally I would want to revert to the previous version of MS but I understand that is not possible??
Also, when I did manage to play through a score the progress mark was a note or so behind the music. But that's a minor issue in the grand scheme of things.
Windows 10 by the way. No problems with previous version of MS.
What have they done, guys?!!


No dual screen.
Have tried restoring default layout.
Attached is a picture of my computer screen.
You will see that there is a margin above the commands, and it is as if the musescore stuff has "slipped down" the screen. So when I click on View for example, nothing happens, but if I click slightly above View, the button responds.
All my other computer facilities behave as normal.

Attachment Size
Capture.JPG 119 KB

Also attached is the result of maximising the MS window - there appears to be a transparent top edge, and I have to click above the buttons (inside the transparent area!) to get a response.

Attachment Size
Capture full.JPG 197.87 KB

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