Musescore 4 Corrupted file

• Sep 8, 2024 - 13:54

Okay, so... I saved all my work before exiting the file, closed my laptop, then opened it a few hours later to work on my piece and I'm met with an error message that reads "File '...mscz' is corrupted. This file contains errors that could cause MuseScore to malfunction."
I chose the option to open it anyway and it turns out to just be a blank canvas with no notes, bars or measures. My computer has been playing up recently, but I thought that saving it would prevent me from loosing it.
I tried opening it in Musescore 3 but I don't think I did it right because it wouldn't allow me to.

Does anyone know what actually happened and how it can be fixed? Your help would be so much appreciated.

Attachment Size
I'll Be There Waiting.mscz 48.88 KB


This file is corrupted beyond repair.
Musescore saves backup files in a hidden .mscbackup folder, which is located in the same place as your project file.

There should be a file named .name_of_your_file.mscz~
where "name_of_your_file" is the name of your project file.
Copy it to another location, remove the ~ from the file name and try to open it.

Did you close your laptop with MuseScore open? This can cause problems in general. Maybe not with this score.

In reply to by bobjp

Closing the lid while the file is still open but already saved is very unlikely to cause this. MuseScore does not write anything to disk unless you tell it to (or when AutoSave tells it to, but that will never affect the real file). So there is almost no chance that MuseScore writes a corrupted file while the lid is closed, because it doesn't write anything at that moment.

This is just another case of the dreaded completely inexplicable corruptions that happen a few times per month but nobody knows what's causing them. So far all known cases of this were on Windows, so I assume you are using Windows too?

It may still be useful if you could upload the backup file, but you'll have to upload the version without the ~ in the name for the site to allow it.

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