musescore 4.4 - 4.4.2 is not working

• Oct 22, 2024 - 16:15

Splash screen appears on screen, but musescore studio doesn't run after the splash screen goes off.
This problem happens repeatedly since 4.4 update.

I've tried several methods (installing on musehub, installing without musehub, reverting musescore studio to factory settings ...), and it still doesn't work.
I also tried installing one of previous version(4.3.2) that worked before, but it maked same problem above after this issue happened first.


You wrote:
Splash screen appears on screen, but musescore studio doesn't run after the splash screen goes off.

When the splash screen goes off, does the Windows task manager show MuseScore as running?
Is MuseScore studio being directed to a second monitor that is presently disconnected?
Perhaps the window is off-screen and not showing.

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