Screen reader too verbose when reading notes

• Nov 4, 2014 - 18:51
S4 - Minor

Testing feedback revealed that the screen reader is too verbose when reading out the notes.
It was advised that "Pitch" and "Duration" should be dropped, and bring it down to e.g. C4.


I don't think it matters. I still would eventually like to see the status bar formatted as if it were a series of fixed width fields, so the measure & beat information is always in the same location, etc. And if this were done, "Pitch" and "Duration" might make sense as field labels. But it's really not a big deal either way; getting screenreader feedback "right" is definitely more important.

@Andrei From what I registered during testing, the status bar does not need to be changed. So only what the screen reader says.

Status (old) active patch (code needs review)

@Thomas. Ok, I dropped "Pitch" and "Duration" from notes and "Duration" for rests only for the screen-reader. There might be an issue for ambitus too, there we have "Top pitch" and "Buttom pitch", please let me know if I should remove those too.

@Marc I will eventually format the status bar, but I think it would be best to do it after the release so we don't have new issues to worry about.