deleting a non-voice-1 rest between 8th causes them to beam

• Dec 8, 2014 - 18:38
S4 - Minor
  1. new score, some notes in voice 1
  2. add in voice 2: quarter rest, 2 8th, quarter rest, 2 8th
  3. delete the 2nd rest

expected result: nothing, except the rest is gone
actual result: the 4 8th get beamed together, with one long beam, i.e. spanning the no longer existing quarter rest

self-build 8ff4a8f95e, Windows 7 (Enterpise, 64bit)


The auto-beaming algorithm sees the eighth on beat 3, sees that the previous note in the voice was also an eighth, and knows that normally you can beam this. It does not anticipate or know how to deal with the "hole" between the notes.

This is probably fixable, but my suspicion is that there will be any number of other places where holes are unexpected and not handled gracefully. I'm still wishing we had a better story here.