Translations are not being updated if only "instrumental" section is translated

• Dec 24, 2014 - 00:05
S4 - Minor

Translations of "instruments" section (on Transifex) are only updating on MuseScore if you translate some string of "musescore" section.
1. Translate some instrument and save it
2. Open MuseScore and go to Edit/Preferences.../Update translations
(the language that you translate the instrument will not appear as not updated)
3. Return to Transifex and translate something of "musescore" section.
4. Return to MuseScore, go to Edit/Preferences.../Update translations
(now the language will appear as not updated and the translations of the "instruments" and "musescore" section will be downloaded)

This is not a problem if the "musescore" section is not 100% translated, but if you have only to translate the "instruments" section will be a problem, because the only way that the translation is recognized is changing something in "musescore" section.

MuseScore beta 2, Windows 7 (32 bit)
