The “End” key is harmful by combining its action with the volume level in the Play Panel

• Dec 25, 2014 - 21:21
S3 - Major

Nightly December 23 (bf97799) / Windows 7

1. Create an EMPTY score, or open this file (empty): Volume End Key.mscz

2. Display the Play Panel (F11)

3. Press alternately "End" key and "Home" (or oblique arrow) key, according the keyboards. These ones:

End key.jpg Touche Fin.jpg
Result: the small scroll bar (just below the timer) is moving from left to right and vice versa.

4. Now, with the mouse: move, even slightly, the volume cursor (blue) from top to bottom or vice versa, whatever.

5. Repeat step #3: (alternatively press the End and Home keys)

Result, no expected at all: the volume cursor (instead the scroll bar at the previous step 3) follows the same action, and goes from zero volume to maximum volume! :(
Volume End Key.jpg

So, the potential risk to start listening your score with the volume to the max is real!
We absolutely must disconnect the action of these keys in relation to the volume.

This is what happened to me yesterday in a scenario no tricky at all, and credible I think so. And it's unpleasant...


1) you listen your score with the displayed Play Panel -> during playback, you move the volume cursor with the mouse.

2) You want to listen again. To return at beginning, instead using the button in the Play Panel, you press the End key instead of the Home key, by precipitation or mistake or accidentally (these keys are neighbors).

3) You launch playback again with the start button of the Play Panel: by an other habit or by a reflex, or because you do not check the volume level every time ... Result: volume to maximum.

Of course, the habit is to using all the time the Play Panel for these operations. But there is an alternative, or rather a combination of some actions (it's proof) which has obvious risks.

To quickly explain my case: I use more and more keys of the keyboard, for a large variety of operations, and it becomes almost second nature ... This is what happened with these keys End / Home, before restarting the playback.

Two hypotheses: either you have zero volume (after pressing the Home key), and you wonder why ; either the volume is at the max (after pressing the End key) and henceforth, we are clearly in the field of health. For this reason, and only for this reason, I consider this issue as Major.

Note : for the record, as far as I go back in the nightlies, I see the same behavior, except in May, where the action of the mouse followed by the use of the Home and End keys did not cause the jumps of the volume cursor, but this one of the tempo!

Attachment Size
Volume End Key.mscz 6.21 KB
End key.jpg 12.13 KB
Touche Fin.jpg 10.05 KB
Volume End Key.jpg 21.17 KB


I don't understand. It's totally standard UI behavior in most operating systems that after clicking a control, it responds to the keybaord? This is a feature, not a bug, as far as I can tell. It would be a bug if clicking a control did *not* activate it for keyboard control. Or am I misunderstanding your report?

Status (old) needs info closed

Ok, this painful experience taught me a lesson. I'll be careful now not to repeat it.