Inconsistent behaviour hiding different elements

• Feb 23, 2015 - 15:06
S4 - Minor
by design

Env: Mac OS X Lion 10.7.5 (11G63)
GIT commit: a925ae0

I have music with 2 voices in one staff. If I have 2 identical notes in 2 different voices they are shown besides eachother, and the are printed.

If don't want to show these note separately I just make the note in teh second voice invisible. If I do that it is not grayed out, but put underneath the visible note. I would expect it to be grayed out like what happens if I make a rest invisible. See example with note and rest made invisible:


Don't know if this behaviour has a specific reason.

Attachment Size
2015-02-23_1558.png 11.61 KB
2015-02-23_1604.png 11.25 KB


Status (old) active by design

Well, at least one of the two iages works for me in this version :-). Enough to see that yes, indeed, this is by defsign - a very useful feature added by popular request. When you have a unison, marking a note invisible does indeed make it invisible (and hence greyed out on screen), but it *also* merges it with the other note so it does not take up extra space in the score unnecessarily. This is pretty crucial in guitar music, for example, but it was also exactly the right thing to do in your example.