Inconsistent behaviour hiding different elements

• Feb 23, 2015 - 15:03
S4 - Minor

Env: Mac OS X Lion 10.7.5 (11G63)
GIT commit: a925ae0

I have music with 2 voices in one staff. If I have 2 identical notes in 2 different voices they are shown besides eachother, and the are printed.

If don't want to show these note separately I just make the note in teh second voice invisible. If I do that it is not grayed out, but put underneath the visible note. I would expect it to be grayed out like what happens if I make a rest invisible. See example with note and rest made invisible:


Don't know if this behaviour has a specific reason.

Attachment Size
2015-02-23_1558.png 11.61 KB
2015-02-23_1560.png 10.24 KB


For some reaosn, I can't access your attachments (they just link to the main page), but from your description, I am pretty sure I understand what you are describing

It *is* greyed out, but it is *also* merged with the other note. That's a feature. You normally wouldn't want the extra space left behind. Hiding one of the two notes is the supported way to make notes merge when the normal rules of music notation say they shouldn't be.

If for some reaosn I am not understanding properly, maybe you try the attachments again to make it more clear. Otherwise, we can close this as "by design".

Marc, you are understanding correctly, and your answer is what I expected. If one makes one rest invisible, out of 2 above eachother in a staff the formatting doen't change. Indeed if one makes a note which is displayes behind eachother invisible, the formatting changes.
This design is a trade off between clear formatting and ease of editing.
I do agree with the choise to choose for the formatting.

To make clear what I mean, here are the files:



Go ahead and close the issue