Key Changes Don't Propagate to All Lines of Parts

• Mar 1, 2015 - 15:43
S4 - Minor

Mac OS X 10.10.2 NB 2.0.0 f20b292

I suspect that I encountered another (different) bug that changed the key signature of my chart, but since I don't have any means to backtrack and find it with a scenario I will focus on what I had to do next.

So I applied the new key signature to the score (going from E to Eb, which was the intended key signature). I then went through the whole score to change accidentals to align them with the key signature (instead of sharp accidentals change to flat ones). I then saved and checked the individual parts (there are 12) to make sure everything propagated properly. However, while the key signature updated on the first line of each part, every other line has the old key signature still on it.

I have attached two figures and the score itself. The first figure shows a group of the parts and their keys, which are all correct. The second one shows the individual Trombone part that shows the key being wrong after the first line in the part.

Is this a bug or do I have to change the key on every part line??



Well, it's a bug if you find yourself having to change key signatures on every line, unless you had actually added key signatures on every line in the first place. But whether the bug is in the changing of the key signature you are are doing now or something that happened previously while creating the score I cannot say for sure yet. Did you create this score from scratch in this build, or was it perhaps started with a different build? Did you start from one of the "Jazz" templates?

When I load your score into a current build, I don't see any obvious problems right away, but if I try changing the key signature in the score (I tried G), I do see the problem you describe in the parts - the key change appears to last only one line. But I am not quite sure why this is happening.

I can reproduce similar behavior if I create a score from one of the templates - see #48836: Initial key signature incorrrect in scores created from template with transposing instrument. I'm investigating to see if that could possibly be the root cause of this too.

Any information you can share on how you created this score - which build you initially started it in, whether you started from a template, whether you had already generated parts when you changed the key signature from E to Eb, etc. - would be most helpful!

Thanks for your rapid reply:

1. I don't recall which build I started it with.

2. I used the Jazz Combo template as a starting point.

3. I created (and exported) all of the parts in the old key, and attempted to change the key afterwards.

I think that covers your questions.

Status (old) active needs info

Yes, thank you!

I have a pending fix for an issue that affects key signatures in scores created from templates that *might* prevent this from happening again. But if I knew the exact sequence of steps that led to this situation, I could test to be sure. I've been trying to reproduce your problem with my own scores starting from Jazz Combo, and so far havenm't found the magic combination to reproduce it reliably. I did get it to happen once, but unfortunately couldn't reproduce it when trying what I thought were the same steps.

If you should happen to have time to try, it would be greatly appreciated if you could see if you can find a precise series of steps to reproduce the problem in a new score created from scratch. Obviously, we want this bug fixed before release!

I am guessing that reproducing the problem will have to do with getting the right combination of the following variables:

1) what key signature you selected in the "Create New Score" wizard when intiially creating the score from the "Jazz Combo" template

2) whether key changes were were made after score creation and what/where those key changes were

3) whether the score was saved, closed, and reloaded at some point during this process

4) when parts were generated relative to all of the above, and whether there were still multimeasure rests in the parts when the key signatures were changed

Status (old) needs info active

I can't seem to replicate it.

Could it be because the song was originally created using an older nightly build and the key signature changed in a newer one? Although I just did a similar key change in another song and it worked fine.

Worst type of bug...hard to replicate!

The bug I mentioned involving key changes and templates is very real and still not resolved, although I have a fix pending - see #48836: Initial key signature incorrrect in scores created from template with transposing instrument. I would *like* to believe that this bug somehow explains what you are seeing - some combination of steps of steps caused this bug to cause the specific symptoms you are seeing. Right now I have no real confidence in that, which is why I'd love to find steps to reproduce this from scratch.

BTW, "code" is right component for this (and indeed virtually all) bugs. As for status, yes, it does still need info. On the other hand, it strikes me as more worth consideration than other "needs info" bugs that are probably simply user misunderstandings or cases where someone was reporting a bug against a previous versions. Anyhow, doesn't really matter, it's on my radar either way. But I fear without steps to reproduce, we'll just have to hope that my fix for the other issue fixes this one too.

From above:

1) what key signature you selected in the "Create New Score" wizard when intiially creating the score from the "Jazz Combo" template - Started out in E (four sharps) changed to Eb (three flats)

2) whether key changes were were made after score creation and what/where those key changes were - After the score's creation.

3) whether the score was saved, closed, and reloaded at some point during this process - Yes, several times (but see below).

4) when parts were generated relative to all of the above, and whether there were still multimeasure rests in the parts when the key signatures were changed - Yes, always had multi measure rests

Subsequent to the last update, I closed all open charts in Musescore, quit Musescore and rebooted (I was installing something else). After the computer was rebooted, I restarted Musescore and Voila! the keys are all corrected in the parts! But when you folks opened my score you saw the same problem. So I am CONFUSED to say the least.

Status needs info closed
Frequency Once
Regression No
Reproducibility Once
Workaround No

Please report in a new thread if the issue still presents in the latest version (3.3.4 upcoming in the next few hours).