Title frame attributres (height, gap, etc) not preserved when creating score from template

• Mar 14, 2015 - 17:35
S4 - Minor

Ubuntu 14.04, GIT commit: 7240a19

1) create score with title frame
2) change height, bottom gap, etc, of frame
3) save as template
4) create score from this template

Result: we get a default title frame rather than the custom one we created. This worked with the "old" template mechanism. Hoepfully not hard to borrow these settings from the template in the "new" scheme? What makes the problem worse than it might otherwise appear is that the template might have carefully adjusted the "Vertical frame top margin" style setting to work with the title frame, and that is still honored, but this is now applied to a different title frame and probably does not make sense any more.

See http://musescore.org/en/node/50661 for original report and discussion.
