Change organisation name and domain in MuseScore code
For historical reason, the following is used :QCoreApplication::setOrganizationName("MusE");
These values are used to define the path of the ini files containing MuseScore preferences.
On Windows, MuseScore preferences lives in:C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\MusE\MuseScore.ini
palettes, tmp files, sessions stuff
On Mac in~/.config/
Preferences~/Library/Application Support/MusE/MuseScore/
palettes, tmp files, sessions stuff
I would like to change OrganizationDomain to and OrganisationName to MuseScore for better clarity and accuracy. The main drawback will be that by upgrading to the next version the settings and preferences will be lost.
No idea about the Mac OS, but under Windows it should be possible to make an extension to the installer (in the worse case a .bat file, but a DLL using the Qt calls would be better) which looks in the old location if present and copies (or moves) all files to the new location. Presumably this would work only for the account the user is currently logged in, but it would still cover the majority of cases.
Fixed. Long time ago.
Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.