Bend symbols disappear and lose offset values

• Jun 20, 2015 - 10:37

See attached MuseScore file:

Add a bend symbol (from the articulations and ornaments palette) to the "G" note in the final chord. Set the bend to, say, a half tone bend in both staff and TAB (see attached PNG), and apply a horizontal offset to both symbols of, say, 2sp. Save the file, close it, then reopen it. The bend symbol in TAB has disappeared and the bend in the staff has lost its offset value.

I am using Win 7 HP and MS 2.0.1.

The other issue is the shortness of the bend symbol line in the staff.

Attachment Size
bend_symbol_issues.mscz 10.74 KB
bend.PNG 3.81 KB


I don't understand the comment about adding or adjsuting the bend twice, though. When you add the bend, it is linked, so it shows up in both staves, and any adjustment you make also is reflected in both staves. Only if you save and reload the file after adding the bend but before making the adjustment is the link broken. And while the offset is indeed lost, the bend symbol on the tab staff is still there - it is just overlapping the other bend symbol. If I select it and re-apply the offset, I can see it clearly.

In any case, as mentioned, my PR should fix the issue with the offset and link being lost on save/reload.

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