In tuplets you cannot place notes higher than the first one

• Jul 17, 2015 - 09:57
S4 - Minor
by design

GIT commit: 699a5ee

Set up sheet as in Triole_1.gif. Now make the last note a triplet and try to enter a higher note (f) than the d. Not possible, see Triole_2.gif.
Workaround: Place it lower and then move it.

Attachment Size
Triole_1.gif 9.07 KB
Triole_2.gif 68.67 KB


Status (old) active by design

Nothing to do with the tuplet. If you are using the mouse to enter notes, we need to choose when we stop adding notes to this staff and add in the top one. This is by design.

The thing is, at that point the mouse is closer to one staff than the other one, so the note is added to the staff that the mouse is closest to. It's better to use the keyboard—so, for the last triplet, type [D] [F] [E], and there will be no problem.

And the point is, this has nothing to do with triplets. The same is true entering quarter notes, whole notes, or any other note. If yu use the mouse to enter notes, MuseScore has to guess which staff you mean, so entering notes far above or below the staff is not possible as MuseScore will think you mean the staff above or below. This is but one of many reaosns why mouse input is not particularly recommended. The other methods - typing, the Piano Keyboard toolbar, and MIDI - are all more direct.