Bug and features telling

• Oct 30, 2010 - 16:29
S5 - Suggestion

It is so difficult to click through and finaly create an issue if you are working and suddenly you find a bug. First you must open the internet explorer, then you must find the musescorepage, then log in, then you search where is the possibility to report and finally you may write what you need.

Could be, that when I find some problem i'll click in help menu the item "bug report" for bugs and "feature request" for new ideas, write my problem in dialog and then I press "send"?



You can put the issue tracker in your browser favorite. (if IE can't do it, you can try Firefox ;).
Sending bugs reports is nice, but it's not something everybody can do. Creating a good bug report takes time and effort.
See Freelinking: Unknown plugin indicator .

Dealing with bad written bug reports can take a lot of time and as a free community we don't have much. So I don't think it's a good idea to make it more easy to send quick and unefficient bug report. And that's without the technical faisability... You need to be logged on the website to send a bug report for example. We might want to contact you to have more details etc... So somehow writing a bug report is something engaging, and should remain like this.

Imagine this (menu):

Lokal Handbook
Online andbook
Chack for Update
Feature request
Bug report

If you pres Bug report:
1. The program knows its own version
2. Program is able to get version of the system
for example:
execute("ver >version.dat");
openfile("version.dat", read);
3. MuseScore knows edit history
4. MuseScore knows which file tou edited before reporting
5. If MuseScore crashed or if you disable sending file and history, you must describe problem by dialog questions. (Otherwise you may describe it too)
6. Dialog questions lead in creating good report.
7. Part of dialog are checkboxes - lost data, crashed, caused system crash
8. Dialog could pre-send the Tittle and server could search every words in its database for duplicity and then offer these reports before you create body of your report.
9. You could set your login in dialog settings - so the dialog sends not anonyme report.

So there you can see, that souch report dialog could help to user, but it could help that the report is good and helping for developers beeing "idiotenfest'.

I think this has been implemented?

In the 'About' box, you can copy the git commit to the clipboard.

In 'Help', you can 'Report a bug'.

My Help contains only:

Online Handbook F1
About Qt
Enable Script Debugger

What about "About box" I can't copy the text - only read and write manualy
My version is 1.2 - 5470
Debian / Awesome X manager