Symbol scale

• Sep 25, 2015 - 10:23
Graphical (UI)
S4 - Minor
by design

The scale command in the palette cell property menu doesn't work.
It modify only the view of the symbol but doesn't produce any effect when insert symbol in the score.
Sorry for my approximative English language.


I don't think it is supposed to have an effect on the symbol inserted in the score, only on the display in the palette, so I'm pretty sure this is by design

If the question was how to act on the fretboard diagram scale, so, this operation, after selecting the fret diagram, is done in the Inspector (F8), 1.00 default value.
This done, the new scale (eg 1.20) is taken into account when you drag and drop (with Ctrl + Shift) this diagram in the palette for a reuse.
However, in the future, it is better to ask such questions in English or French forum, since I see that you are French.