Stave text

• Nov 29, 2015 - 09:25
S5 - Suggestion
by design

I'm not sure is this is a bug, but, there seems to be a problem with the stave text function. Firtstly, the stave text function always seems to default to the TOP of the stave. It would be nice if it were just a text-box style function that could be positioned anywhere on the music sheet. Secondly, when you type in multiple lines of text, the stave does not move down when the enter button is pressed [ie the carriage return, line feed character is activated] As a result, the stave text starts to overwrite onto the stave.
Also, there doesn't seem to be any way to move a stave down the page, ie to increase the gap between staves eg placing the cursor at the end of a stave and hitting the enter button, just like any text program.

GIT commit: f51dc11


Status (old) needs info by design

These are not bugs. Staff text is designed for short text items that are attached to specific notes / measures. By default it appears above the staff but it can be dragged elsewhere. And it would not be standard practice to add space between staves just to accomodate these types of short text items. You can certainly add space using a Spacer, but depending on your purposes, you probably want to look onto Text Frames instead, which are designed more for multi-line text items and these do add space by default.