Unable to choose Desktop in sidebar

• Feb 23, 2011 - 14:08

My working directory is the desktop. Scott is 'Home'.

1. Open.
(The Sidebar routes it as 'Scott>Desktop').
2. Click on Desktop in the sidebar (for simplified access).

Expected result: I can select Desktop in the sidebar
Actual result: It jumps back to Scott.

Workaround: Click somewhere else in the sidebar, then the desktop.

Using MuseScore 1.0 and 2.0 - Mac 10.6.6.


MuseScore is using the Qt save and open dialogs in the latest trunk. Presumably this is to address problems on Linux (with the dialog appearing blank for some people). However, I find the Qt dialogs unnatural, out of place with the rest of the operating system, and difficult to get used to.

To those in the know: can we consider giving Qt dialogs to Linux users and give everyone else the native dialogs?

Under Ubuntu 10.04

1.00 uses the "native" Gnome navigator, which includes "Desktop" (alias "Bureau") in the sidebar

2.00 (nightly 3969) allowed me to drag and drop "Bureau" in the sidebar.

see attached: 1.00 is left, 2.00 is right

The 2.00 solution allow you to build a special environment for Musescore, instead of using the Gnome-general one

I'm rather accustomed to the 1.00 way of doing, but the other way makes also sense.....

Attachment Size
Capture-7.png 91.66 KB

The preferences option has been added in r4037.
I'm not sure it's a good idea to make this a runtime option. For the majority of the users, the option does not make sense and preferences dialog is already crowded.
On windows and mac, I would remove the option and keep the native dialog. On Linux, I have less experience, if the Qt style is fine for all linux users, then let's make stick with it.


at the time the last nightly build for linux is 3969

I think also that the use of the native dialog shall be available, and am not sure that an option for another system is important.

I am mostly starting MuseScore from the command line and expect it to load/store files from the "current working directory". This is different from normal desktop use were the cwd is irrelevant.
The native (KDE) file dialog unfortunately does not offer the cwd in the sidebar URL list so i always have to click through several subdirectories when i want to save a file.

There are other advantages for normal users from customized file dialogs:

  • there can be a special customized file dialog for every file type MuseScore uses. The sidebar url shows the "normal" place for files of this type
  • the score open dialog shows the demo file folder in the sidebar url
  • the dialog history is saved separately for every file type
  • a preview could be provided (not implemented yet)
  • some metainformation about a score could be displayed while browsing in the load score dialog
  • custom places for some file types (myScores, soundfonts etc.) can be configured in preferences and shown in the sidebar url

The big disadvantage is of course that the dialog "special" and adds to "learning MuseScore" until you are used to it.

Status (old) active fixed

I don't know if this can be reproduced now.

Maybe it was a Qt problem, or something.

Using MuseScore 2.0 Nightly Build (bd8b902) - Mac 10.7.5.