Page-setting dialog contains English text in other languages

• Feb 2, 2016 - 23:45
S4 - Minor

While all strings have been translated and previous text in the Page-settings dialog has been 100% in dutch, now English text is appearing for Printable area and Staff space.

I have seen this in v2.0.2 rev. f51dc11


Same using German settings in MuseScore 2.0.2, OK before update translations, wrong after, same for the latest nightly build from master.
In that latest nightly in Dutch and German settings the issue can be seen only partly ("Staff space (sp):" being untranslated, "Printable area" having been removed from the dialog)
The lasted build from 2.0.3 has it right after updating translations, so I think we can close this issue as being fixed.

I think it can be closed for v2.0.3, however it still leaves an issue in v2.0.2. Not sure if this is desired or not, guess that depends how long it will take before 2.0.3 is released.