Add a way to reset to factory settings from the UI

• Feb 3, 2016 - 11:30
S5 - Suggestion

A common answer to many problems on the forum is to reset to factory settings. Since the current process is a bit involved. We could add it to the UI.

My proposal would be to:

1/ Add "Help > Reset to factory settings" or better wording...
2/ When clicking this menu a dialog would be displayed. Title : Are you sure? Text : "This will reset all your preferences, custom palettes, custom shortcuts, recent scores etc... MuseScore will be restarted."
"Of course, none of your MuseScore files will be deleted"
"Are you sure you want to proceed?". Yes / No
3/ If "no" nothing happens. If yes, MuseScore will close (so users will get the chance to save their current work) and MuseScore will restart with the -F -R flags.

I have the above implemented but I would love some feedback on the menu placement and the wording.


I like the idea of placing this reset function under the Help menu, but I don't know what the standard is among software. So that may need to verification.

As for the flow and wording, I don't have anything better than you proposed thus far. I leave it to the native English speakers.

1/ Handbook calls it "Revert to factory settings". To me "reset" sounds more harsh, so I would be inclined towards reset and then update the handbook accordingly.
My initial logical place to go looking for it would be the Preferences window, but seeing that already has the normal 'Reset All Preferences to Default' it might be confusing for the regular user to have a 2nd button in the same window.
3/ Would -R still be required? I thought -F already included -R?

You guys are at least as good at the language as the average native speaker, but here's my two cents:

This will reset all your preferences. Custom palettes, custom shortcuts, and the list of recent scores will be deleted. MuseScore will restart with its default settings.
Reverting will not remove any scores from your computer.
Are you sure you want to proceed?
[Yes] [No]

I'd add another line break after the first sentence and before the last. No comma should be required before 'and' Not sure if bolding everything is better. Everything in there is important information, but a distinction could be made:

This will reset all your preferences.
Custom palettes, custom shortcuts and the list of recent scores will be deleted. MuseScore will restart with its default settings.
Reverting will not remove any scores from your computer.

Are you sure you want to proceed?

This emphasizes the 3 main points for the dialog:
* What will happen (with a short explanation)
* What won't happen
* Asking for confirmation

I'd also think that setting the [No] button as the default button might be prudent, given the impact of pressing [Yes]. It also ensures us that someone pressing [Yes] does so very knowingly and not by accidental keystroke.